Mediterranean Acidification under Global Climate Change Scenarios:
Ecosystem Impacts and Socioeconomic Consequences







MEDACID will assess natural and socio-economic implications associated with Ocean Acidification (OA) in the Mediterranean.

The consortium includes world leaders in marine calcification, photosynthesis and algal biotechnology, ecosystem function, and physical and chemical oceanography. The team includes an international authority on the impact of marine processes on the economics and sociology of coastal communities.

The multidisciplinary expertises of natural researchers, engineers and economists will merge, leading to a highly organized study of Mediterranean acidification effects from the nano- (molecular) to the macro- (ocean) scales. MEDACID team is a mix of European cultures: Latin, Central European and Balkan, and Middle Eastern (Israel and the Palestinian Authority), with a significant representation of Mediterranean countries.

Acidification and warming effects on shorelines will be quantified. Special attention will be given to the negative consequences of acidification on shellfish industry along with the potential opportunities in microalgal biotechnology and seaweed culture stemming from the increased CO2 availability. Field studies will be conducted across natural temperature and pH gradients in sites of volcanic activity and in the vicinity of thermal discharges from power stations. In the laboratory, aquaria will be used to quantify the effects of pH and temperature combinations on calcifying organisms of ecological and economic importance.

The stimulation of photosynthesis by lowered pH will be examined and guidelines for the expansion of algal biotechnology will be recommended. A model will be constructed for predicting Mediterranean ecosystems responses to climate change scenarios. The regions most vulnerable to OA will be mapped based on the results of an ocean circulation model.

The MEDACID dissemination strategy will gather a wide range of end users to effectively deliver quality science. MEDACID will also develop educational materials.